We offer outdoor nature programming to school and community groups in over 100 of Seattle's parks and green space. Our vision is to inspire change through education, enrich the experience of park visitors, teach families and students in nature, and share with community.
Help us reduce the nature deficit!
Donate today so we can provide outdoor experiences to even more children and families!
Corporate Sponsors will receive the following benefits for supporting at these levels. Please contact Development Director Sonia Doughty (sonia.doughty@seattle.gov, 206-465-2580) if your business is interested in being a corporate sponsor!
A school group of students dipping in the Discovery park pond to capture freshwater invertebrates and learn about the pond life and ecosystem.
A community group at a local park talking with a naturalists.
A student dipping in the Discovery park pond to capture freshwater invertebrates and learn about the pond life and ecosystem.
A naturalist and children learning about insects during a nature program.
Images courtesy of Citywide Environmental Education Nature Programs staff and programming