
Fundraising Guidance and Policy

ARC’s Advisory Councils can raise funds for their recreation facilities and programs in partnership with ARC, a nonprofit organization, that otherwise might not be available to Seattle Parks and Recreation, as a government entity.

ACs are required to notify the ARC Development Director as outlined in the Fundraising Guidance, regarding their intent to apply for a grant, solicit donations or request corporate sponsorship. This notification includes the following steps:

1. Contact ARC in writing by completing the appropriate form as provided in the Fundraising Guidance document.  Clearly state your intent to apply for particular grant funds or solicit a particular donor or corporate sponsor.

2. For site-based in-kind donation plans, an email to the ARC Development Department is required, describing the need, request and timing of the plan is required.

3. Submit a project plan to SPR Recreation Manager for approval. If the request includes funding for a capital improvement project (CIP), the Capital Improvements Project Planning form must be used for this step. CIP requests must be submitted to SPR Planning and Development no later than June for the following budget year.  Submit approved project plan to ARC Executive Director.

4. This process and approval can be embedded in the annual budget process; if not steps 1 through 4 must be followed.

Check out the Fundraising Policy and Fundraising Guidance documents below before starting your fundraising efforts.