The ARC Advisory Councils are passionate community volunteers from across Seattle, whose goal is to create access and improve the quality of recreational services for all Seattle.
The Associated Recreation Council (ARC), in partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation, serves Seattle by offering a variety of recreational and lifelong learning programs, classes, activities, and events. The services that we provide are fun, culturally diverse, and are welcoming to all.
Community driven direction and participation is essential to our success. If you are interested in volunteering to be on the Board, or become an Advisory Council member, please complete the form on this page.
If you are interested in learning more or taking the first steps to become an Advisory Council member, please visit our Advisory Council Member Interest Form.
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in joining our board.
ARC and its 36 advisory councils raise support through fundraising events, grants and generous contributions from dedicated individuals and businesses throughout our community. These funds allow us to offer program scholarships and improve service delivery, ensuring equitable access to high quality programming for all Seattle residents.